Premium Content FAQ

Q:  I purchased theCFFsite’s 2018 Premium Content, but I did not receive the passwords to the protected material.  What should I do?


A:  theCFFsite has sent out at least three emails to remind subscribers of the passwords to access the Exclusive Email content and Weekly Projections, most recently the morning of Wednesday September 5th.  If the email is not in your Inbox, please make sure that it was not filtered into your Junk folder.  If you cannot find the email, please contact us.




Q:  I am not receiving Joe’s Weekly Observations via email like I did last year.  


A:  Joe will be posting his Weekly Observations on the site, so that you can view them at your convenience and the email does not get lost in your Inbox.  




Q:  I am using the password(s) theCFFsite sent me, but they are not allowing me access.


A:  Please remember that the passwords are case sensitive.  The same password is used to gain access to Joe’s Weekly Observations and Extended Weekly Player Rankings.  The Weekly Projections have their own separate password.